Matagorda County Museum Our Blog Reviewing Historical Exhibits

Reviewing Historical Exhibits

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histolircal exhibits

Unlike textbooks and essays, visual stories in history museums can engage visitors. They create drama, and enable viewers to experience the story as an event. Visual stories also often include the people who experienced the events. They also make the history more complex and accessible. However, they should also be simple enough that they do not end up looking like a book on a wall.

Before reviewing any exhibit, the reviewer should understand the intended audience for the exhibition and the context in which the exhibit was created. The reviewer should also contact the curator of the exhibit to gain more relevant information about the exhibition. For example, the curator of an exhibit might have some insights into the conditions under which the exhibit was created, as well as the intentions of the curators.

Besides the more famous criminals, there are also many lesser known ones who have also left their mark on history. Some of them were born in Oklahoma, or moved here. The stories tell as much about the place as they do about the individuals. Some of the stories are unsolved.

A growing emphasis on local heritage and a national dialogue on identity has contributed to an increase in the number of historical exhibits in the United States. While most historical exhibitions are held in large professional museums, traveling exhibits have also become an increasingly common form of presentation. Public exhibits in courthouses are another option. The Concord courthouse has an exhibition located at 55 Pleasant Street and is open during court hours. Visitors can also view the exhibit from the conference room when the courthouse is not in session.

The Women of Oklahoma exhibit focuses on Oklahoma women who made history in this country and throughout the world. They include Hannah Atkins, Clara Luper, Elizabeth Maria Tallchief, and Edith Kinney Gaylord. These women came to Oklahoma in the 1880s when the Indian Territory was opened to white settlement. In this period, women were allowed to claim their own plot in the Indian Territory.

The Oklahoma State University library has also contributed to the exhibit. It features oral histories of women who lived during the Dust Bowl. Other pieces from Mount Holyoke College Library focus on the life of women who worked and farmed in the 1930s. The interactive exhibits engage visitors with multimedia elements and a large-scale screen.

The Massachusetts Historical Society was founded by Jeremy Belknap in 1791 with the goal of creating a museum that would serve as a repository of material culture. Part three of the exhibit examines the visual and material culture that is found in the MHS’s collection. The exhibition also examines a diverse array of artifacts, including paintings and pottery.