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Museum Jobs and Careers

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Whether you’re interested in history, science, art or botany, a museum is a place to learn about the world around you. Many museums also feature aquariums, planetariums, and botanical gardens. These institutions offer opportunities to explore the rich history of humankind, as well as create a sense of community and unity on a social and political level. Whether you’re looking for a career in a museum, or you just want to know more about the history of your city, you can visit one of these institutions and gain some insight.

Among the most popular jobs at a museum are tour guides, who help visitors learn about the artifacts on display. Museums can also offer internships and student memberships, which are excellent ways to stay informed about important issues and trends. You can learn more about the latest museum job openings and other museum positions at the MANY Job Board.

As part of your museum job, you can also conduct outreach efforts to educate the community about the history of your area. For example, you can lead workshops, create interactive education programs, and send museum representatives to schools. You can also meet potential donors and plan fundraisers.

In addition to the more traditional museums, you can also find jobs at zoos, botanical gardens, and historic houses. You can even work in the National Park Service’s visitors’ center. Various types of museum jobs can be found in these settings as well, such as conservation, art handling, and marketing.

Most archivists and curators need a master’s degree in order to qualify for a position. However, some positions require only a bachelor’s degree. Depending on the type of position you’re interested in, you might need a degree in a related field, such as anthropology, history, or archaeology. While most graduate programs require two to four years of study, there are programs that are available online.

As the number of museums grows, more people are expected to work in these roles. Those who pursue a career in a museum are likely to be passionate about their work. They’ll be expected to perform public presentations, contribute to scholarly publications, and attend conferences. They’ll also be tasked with maintaining a museum’s collection, archiving it, and cataloging it.

Similarly, conservators are responsible for repairing and stabilizing the objects on display in a museum. They need to maintain proper environmental conditions for the objects, and keep detailed records of their conservation work. These professionals typically specialize in a particular type of artifact. You can work as a conservator for a local museum or in a corporate or private gallery.

Another type of job in a museum is an outreach director. These positions are essential to connecting the museum to the community. They coordinate the flow of events, manage selected exhibitions, and arrange interviews with the media.

Several different professional societies provide lower rates for students. Those who work in a museum may also join a professional society to receive discounted membership rates, as well as access to professional resources.