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Museum Jobs and Careers

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Throughout history, there have been many different types of museums. Some serve localities as educational and recreational facilities, while others serve a broader social purpose. They may help attract tourism to a region and promote civic pride or a nationalistic endeavor. While these are all legitimate purposes, some museums may also have overtly ideological or political purposes. Regardless of purpose, a museum’s main objective is to preserve and interpret the material aspect of society’s cultural consciousness.

Many people who work at a museum are educators. An educator designs programs and tours for both children and adults. They may also create classroom resources or other materials for continuing education. Museum educators also manage volunteers and collaborate with other museum staff. In addition to educating audiences, museum educators may be responsible for curating exhibits or running fundraising events. Some of the most common duties of a museum educator are listed below. However, there are other jobs within a museum that aren’t listed here.

The qualifications for working in a museum vary from one position to the next. For example, curators, researchers, and development officers typically need a bachelor’s degree in art history or a related field. For tour guides and security guards, however, a high school diploma or G.E.D. certificate are generally sufficient. All positions require strong verbal communication skills and an interest in the museum’s collection. And if you’re interested in working in a museum that’s open to the public, there are even graduate programs available.

The object of a museum is its collection. Many museums have collections containing millions of objects, but only a fraction of them are actually on display. But a museum is much more than a building. It houses treasures, and curators are essential to protect them. Whether you’re a museum or just a visitor, curators protect the objects and share their knowledge with others. This allows people to learn more about a culture and the world around them.

Historically, the term “museum” has a very long history. It originated from Greek mouseion, meaning “seat of the Muses,” and the Latin word museum was used in Roman times for philosophical discussion. Ptolemy I Soter founded a great museum in Alexandria in the third century bce. But this great museum was more of a prototype university than a museum. This is why the word museum was revived in the 15th century Europe to describe the collections of Lorenzo de’ Medici. It conveys the idea of comprehensiveness, which has long been the hallmark of a museum.

The purpose of a museum varies from institution to institution. Some prioritize education over conservation. At the Canada Science and Technology Museum, for instance, a staff member created a museum memorabilia using a historical printing press. Other museums have more specific audiences. The LDS Church History Museum in Salt Lake City, for example, collects objects of historical significance and makes them available to the public. This is an excellent example of an institution that uses its resources to promote education and preserve history.