Matagorda County Museum Our Blog What Is a Museum?

What Is a Museum?

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Museums are a fascinating cultural institution. They are spaces where you can explore the world’s most iconic art and history objects, from ancient mummies to medieval tapestries. They are also places where you can learn about science, nature, and so much more. No matter what your interests may be, there is sure to be a museum that piques your curiosity.

But what exactly is a museum? Merriam-Webster defines it as “an institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of historical, scientific, or artistic interest or value.” However, the definition of a museum is far more complex than that. According to the International Council of Museums (ICOM), a museum is an “institution dedicated to the collecting, preservation, research, and exhibition of objects of cultural heritage for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations.” This definition is a broad one that allows for a wide variety of museums to exist.

Some museums focus on a particular art movement or time period, such as modernist masterpieces displayed at the Neue Galerie New York City or Austrian art at the Egon Schiele Museum Vienna. Other museums are located on historic sites and provide a unique experience of those specific places, such as the Alamo in San Antonio or Giddings Stone Mansion in Brenham. This type of museum also has the added benefit of preserving historic buildings or spaces and sharing their stories with the public.

Other museums collect and protect objects from different parts of the globe, such as the renowned Museum of Fine Arts in Boston’s collection of art from around the world or the National Museum of Natural History in Washington’s collection of fossils and wildlife. Still other museums are known for their groundbreaking architectural designs or exhibitions, such as the stunning Soane Museum in London or the new National Museum of Contemporary Art in Mexico City.

All of these diverse museums share one thing in common – they are committed to protecting and conserving objects that represent the world’s diversity. This is why a museum has a collection policy that outlines the procedures for acquiring and storing objects in their care. A museum can acquire objects in a number of ways, including conducting expeditions, purchasing or trading them, receiving donations or bequests, or even purchasing them through the government.

There are a few things that make this work challenging. For example, museums have a reputation of being conservative in their approaches to the arts, and it can be difficult for them to change that image. Moreover, the process is lengthy and sometimes contentious. For example, the ICOM committee working on a new definition has received some pushback from members who are concerned that the final proposal does not adequately address issues such as decolonisation, repatriation and restitution, all of which are important to museums worldwide. The committee plans to continue the consultation process through 2022 and hopes to present a proposal at the next ICOM General Conference for a vote.